MAgic hand?

edited November -1 in HUDSON
I have the electrical "box" with linkages and an OD solenoid and governor I took from a Hudson tranny a few years ago. I don't want to pitch the stuff, but I'm getting tired of moving it around. I've also got a serviceable radiator from a '49 Commodore 8. I'd GIVE either or both to anybody that wants them. You pay shipping. OR - come to central California and pick them up.


  • where exactly in central CA? i'm in san jose-george
  • What is this 'box'? And what do you mean by 'magic hand'? If it's the Electric Hand, the control would have a clamp to go around the steering wheel jacket. Is that what the 'box' is, that you have?
  • I could used the switch and solenoid on my 49. Please let me know your email so I can get in touch with you directly.

  • I cold also use all of the items you mention....please contact me.

    Todd Harrington
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