Wanted: 49 Reverse Light

edited November -1 in HUDSON
While stripping my 49, i found a mounting hole (filled with bondo) for a reverse light. I need to locate one as I want to return it back to it's original state. Anyone out there have an extra one for sale?




  • Three people to try for that sort of thing would be Dave Kostansek, Ken Amman and Frank Dluhy. You might also try Gene and Myrna Eshelman. All these people are listed in the H-E-T roster, and some advertise also in the WTN.
  • Since the backup lights were a dealer installed accessory, you may want to reconsider the value of "returning it to its original state" with regard to that item.
  • You can also check with HET Members Jim Harmon in Oregon or Maybe Hal Souers in Ft. Wayne, In.
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