327 in 51 pacemaker
rdmontez wrote:I have a 51 that I am putting a sbc in what are the major problems? Headers? will the fit in the stock steering? How have you guys fixed your drive shaft and tranny fit problems. Thanks for your help
Hi rd! We've had a few threads on this recently, so you might try a search of this sub-forum. I have a '50 Pacemaker Coupe...wish I had your grill!
I ran a '63 Vette 327 in my '38 Dodge 5w Coupe years ago. What a killer motor! Camelback heads and a '68 Quad manifold (ditched the old Rochester). '63 Corvair van front ifs and '56 Chevy p/u rear end. 13" skinnies on the front and wide 50's on the back. What a fun rail that car was........wish I still had it!
Good luck with your project and post some pics when you can.
Jay0 -
If I were you I'd start taking some critical measurements first.
Are you willing to cut the firewall?
Will the steering be affected adversely due to the oil pan?
Are you willing to modify the floor hump over the tranny to make room for the new trany if their is interference?
Lots of questions that you need to obtain the answers BEFORE you proceed, IMHO.
I'd read this closely:
Suggest you contact someone who's "been there; done that", as they say.
Bets to U0 -
rdmontez wrote:I have a 51 that I am putting a sbc in what are the major problems? Headers? will the fit in the stock steering? How have you guys fixed your drive shaft and tranny fit problems. Thanks for your help
Sanderson Headers makes a nice cast block hugger header QP1000 that looks nice.
I don't see any reason why you couldn't get the small block in - I'm mounting a 454/Th400 in my 49 and only had to make a few modifications to keep the original steering and suspension.
My website seems a bit slow downloading pictures right now but I have lots of details on shoehorning the big block into her so take a look maybe you can get some ideas of your own.0
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