Hot Rod Potential Hudson on other forum
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Hi folks...I just posted on the main Hudson Forum a "for sale" ad with pictures for a nice original 1940 Hudson. It has a completely rebuilt MoPar heavy duty rear axle that can handle up to 450 Horsepower.
I put the axle in the car for the gear ratio (3:55), so it is like new. But that axle will fit all Hudson cars and pickups from 1937 to 1947.
I put the axle in the car for the gear ratio (3:55), so it is like new. But that axle will fit all Hudson cars and pickups from 1937 to 1947.
The axle comes from a 1968 Plymouth Fury (full size car). I don't know what other years/models used it, but I was told that it is still being made for large vans, etc, but probably in different widths. This car had the correct width for the 1937-1947 Hudson.0
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