MUST SELL! 1978 Cutlass
Must Sell 1978 Olds Cutlass 2 door Blue ext. and int., A/C, V6, automatic, runs and drives great! I bought the car about 5 years ago from the 85 year old woman who had purchased it new. She decided to sell it when she could no longer get a drivers license. I repainted the car when I got it because it still had the original paint which had seen better days. I hate to sell, but I don't have any room to keep it anymore. Asking $1900 OBO call me at (641) 585-5331 or e-mail Car is located in Eagle Grove, Iowa. E-mail me for pics
I had a couple of 1979 Olds Cutlasses and they were really nice cars. You should have no trouble selling it.0
I still have the car for sale. It now has a new muffler, all new shocks and all new V8 springs. $1800 OBO0
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