51 Hudson 2dr Project For Hot-Rod
Senior Contributor
2500 - might have bit on this one had I already not had a project going...
rambos_ride wrote:2500 - might have bit on this one had I already not had a project going...
This one has been for sale for awhile- must have some difficulties if it hasn't sold at that price yet- anybody seen it?0 -
Mike (WA) wrote:rambos_ride wrote:2500 - might have bit on this one had I already not had a project going...
This one has been for sale for awhile- must have some difficulties if it hasn't sold at that price yet- anybody seen it?
I'd guess 2 things
1) Scared about the Camaro sub frame splice - I'd reserve judgement until I saw the work - because its such a great looking body style...
2) It's rusty as heck...? Doesn't look like it from the pictures - the picture it looks fairly solid.
I just thought 2500.00 for a 2dr to rod - might not be a bad price/place for someone to start with especially for that body style.0
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