Coronado Car Cooler - 1959
I inherited this item and would like to know more about it...specifically its value. I've searched the web to no avail. This beast attached to the car window...the cylinder was filled with ice or water...air blew thru the intake as one drove...cold air was allowed into the passenger compartment by pulling a lever.
This item will be up for sale as soon as I can determine a value. I have pictures I can e-mail...I tried to upload my jpegs, but they are slightly too large and I have no idea how to change size. Please e-mail me with any questions. Thanks. Oppie
This item will be up for sale as soon as I can determine a value. I have pictures I can e-mail...I tried to upload my jpegs, but they are slightly too large and I have no idea how to change size. Please e-mail me with any questions. Thanks. Oppie
i want it at soon as it's for sale0
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