Virtual Car Show - Aug. 23rd at 9PM
I attend the classic car shows that they have around the state (Wisconsin) each weekend and it is really a lot of fun. Does anyone here go to car shows? Its great to talk with the people there about cars, but I got to thinking that I'm really only talking to a small group of the car enthusiast crowd - it would be great to chat with others who share my passion from everywhere in the world! So to try and do this I'm putting on a "virtual" car show every other Wednesday of the month - the next one is Wednesday, August 23rd at 9:00PM CST. You can register your car for the show and then come and listen to streaming classic rock and chat cars. Anyone interested in joining us for the show? More details on how to register for the virtual car show are here:
Register For The Virtual Car Show
Register For The Virtual Car Show
I just went to the Stoughton Coffee Break Car Show this weekend. The weather looked like rain but fortunately it held off and the show went well. They had about 100 cars there.0
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