1964 amc Rambler Classic For Sale
i have a 64 amc rambler classic wagon for sale. its the original trans and motor. 196 cast iron strait 6. with 3 on the tree. i just rebuilt them both. it has about 50 miles on it now. i have no idea how many miles were actually on the car when i bought it in flordia. its never been out side my garage tho so its never seeen a michigan winter.. i bought the car for 1800$ and never drove it.. wanted to compleatly restore it but i lost my intrist. i would like to get the 1800$ back out of it. but make me an offer.. this car must go cause i want to put my other car up for the winter.. and i need the space. the car has a solid frame and body.. starts and runs good except a small hole in the radiorator that could be patched closed. theres not more then the size of a 1$bill of rust on the car. could easly be removed. 1 of the doors and behind both wheel wells is primered.. i think the owner before me was goin to paint it. but never got around to it. the interior is in good shape. no huge holes in the vinal or any thing like that.. the rear window is gone and there is plexi glass there insted.. any other questions or if u want more pictures please email me at jakesalk@eesc.com or call 5865311576 i am from mich. and u wol dneed to pick the car up. or arange shipping. i want 1800$ obo
heres some pictures
heres some pictures
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