1930 Super Six disc brake kit
in Street Rods
Did a search really couldn't find what I was looking for. Does anyone know of a kit or how to convert the drum brakes on my 1930 Essex super six 2 door sedan to disc brakes? I'm thinking this is a needle in the haystack situation but thought I'd ask anyway. Thanks in advance!
I really don't know for sure but some here have done this by using the stepdown kit with a spacer for some prewar HET vehicles.0
The only person I know that has done this is Richard Swatsley. His car is an Essex (31?). He might be able to give you some insight. He's in the roster.0
Great thanks!0
Interested in your findings.
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Perhaps a conversion to hydraulics may be easier.0
You should contact Matt Faust, I believe he converted a 33 Terraplane to hydraulic power disc brakes. He used to sell disc brake conversions kits for Hudson’s. Matt is in the Roster in TN.0
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