in Street Rods
I have a 37 Terraplane and need side view mirrors. I have tried peep mirrors but need some advice on what type of mirror to use that you can actually see behind either peep or other and where to mount them for your best view.
I personally like this style and even have one on my '54. Frankly, I think they were well and you don't have to drill holes in your door. Also, I have found that mirrors on the right side (for left-hand drive cars) are pretty much useless.
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The one that's linked in Dan's reply, is a good one. That's 4-3/4" diameter; get the largest diameter you can (especially for the right side mirror). You'll have to experiment on the best place to mount yours. These "pinch" type mountings are good, because you don't have to drill any holes.0
Friend was pulled over for having a too small peep mirrors. Previous owner of my 37T drilled out the top hinge hole, fitted a larger diam pin with a loose vibrating mirror. I like the Ford mirrors on the door hinge - unfortunately they dont fit. I like John B 's mirror on the hinge.0
you can buy new ones from the filling station I have one on my 37 Terraplane coupe seems to work okay
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i ordered one today that Dan suggested
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