1933 Terraplane Eight dual carb
bent metal
Senior Contributor
Guess what, it won't fit under the hood. Unless you do some alterations.
The idea is to make it all look stock from the outside. No bubble on the side of the hood or anything like that. After the intake was modified a little bit, the last hood door still hit the front carb.
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The hood side didn't really hit, just the stuff that is needed to make that last door open and close. So, the front hood door was made stationary, yet still look stock, in closed position.
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Here is a picture of the hood on and assembled. The front hood vent door does not open, but looks like the other doors in closed possition. Everything fit under the hood.
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Now thats a way cool thing of beauty!
Great work as always.
Jeff0 -
I hope we get to see the completion of this build once you've done your bit. Or are you there right through on this project?
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Beautiful work. By the way is that 8 highly modified with a pressure fed crank ?0
The exhaust manifold looks like something I’ve seen on the European str8 Hudson. Looks like it resolves the issue the original U.S. exhaust manifold had of working with that dual carb Edmunds intake. I wonder what that distributor is & was used in before this application?0
I see the paint could be a facsimile of the early metallic paints used too.
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