Uphostery colors on 50 Commodore.
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Getting into full seat, door, headliner fabrics for 50 Commodore 4-dr. Is there some key that will give me correct fabric colors and material. SMS samples are stated to be "exact" for my car but definitely not a match to what was in the car when I got it. Can I trust the SMS folks and be led to believe some previous owner has changed from original?
Their stuff is really really nice, but be prepared to wait a really long time to get your order. I think a 50 should have striped cloth (never had a 50 though). Don
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Is the upholstery the blue/ white/ yellow striped? I may have a few yards left over from my 51 sedan project that you might be interested in.
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If I can ever get my samples and a picture of my old seats that I took out, I will post them on here to see if you guys can help. One or the other is always "in the garage".
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I order samples in January still waiting i m going to try elsewhere good luck to anyone who uses SMS company0
I got samples for my 51 Commodore and they said they had it in stock. My upholstery guy didn’t want to deal with them anymore because they collect up front and then you wait. I paid up front and waited a looog time. They stopped answering the phone from the upholstery shop, so I emailed them and waited. If I had it to do over again I would have put leather in it.0
I think I'd print my own rather than deal with that nonsense. The fabric weave wouldn't be an exact match, but the colors and look would probably be pretty close.0
Here is a photo of the SMS sample for my '50 Commodore. This material sample appears to match the rear seat, although my old seat is very worn and discolored. The front seat that came in my car, however, is pictured and is a very different style than that on the rear seat. Shown is the rear of the front seat. Has a previous owner replaced the original front seat with what appears to be a "leather" front seat?0
What do the door panels match? The front or back seat?0
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