1920 speedster
Having been continually unable to justify the high price of the 1922 super six speedster that I want, I am going to go look at teds 1920.
Is anyone familiar with this car and can any one see anything wrong with it? i dont have any engine pics or dash pics. Another hudson owner said that the top shape is too tall due to some issue with the rear top bow. I can clearly see the rear window is some dumpy thing that the top maker added. Anything else I should know?
Is anyone familiar with this car and can any one see anything wrong with it? i dont have any engine pics or dash pics. Another hudson owner said that the top shape is too tall due to some issue with the rear top bow. I can clearly see the rear window is some dumpy thing that the top maker added. Anything else I should know?
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i figured out how to make the photos correct. Engine was removed to replace tappet guides and have new valves installed. Just looking for everyones opinions about the car and if anything is missing or incorrect.
Thanks.0 -
Looks very nice to me.0
I've seen Ted's car at the Old Car Festival several times and it's a great car. Ted has taken great care of this 20 5 passenger touring. Ted is great guy too.0
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