Hydra-Matic Transmission: What Are My Chances?
I'm thinking about pulling the motor and leaving the transmission in the car. I'll rebuild the 308 and reinstall it with just changing the tranny fluid, inspecting it after removing the pan and going with it. How tough are these transmissions and what potential problems would I likely encounter with a car that's been sitting since 1985? Bit of a gamble but I can't afford to send this tranny off to Nebraska and have it rebuilt. Any predictions on a successful outcome by doing this? I'm only wanting a car that runs and drives, not a perfect one.
Even if the transmission is in super shape...
you are going to subject it to damage. Bother the in and out activities will cause stress on the seals. Removal from below on a lift is possible. Reinstallation the same way will assure proper alignment and zero seal stress. Take them both out, as a unit or individually.0 -
When you seperate the transmission from the engine, make sure you wire up the torque converter to one of the upper belhousing bolts. The weight of the converter will deform the font seal over time and cause a leak when you put it back together. I learned the hard way when my newly rebuilt hydramatic sat for 6 months while I was working on my engine. Also cover the open converter with a plastic bag to keep it clean.
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Guys, Lets tell him about the Torus Drain plug. Also Suggest install a new front seal before re installing the Trans. You need to Seal coat the Crank Flange and use a New Torus Flywheel Gasket, Don't try using a Form a Gskt.
Regard tough, those Hydro's (not Borg/Warner) Im told propelled Military landing crafts Tanks and School Busses. I believe they had a deeper Pan.
Additionally, maybe i've been lucky, but I've installed Hydr's that worked good sfter been setting by pulling the pan then cleaning the filter. I also look for debris or burnt fluid in pan.
A local franchised Trans Shop here will rebuild it if we get the Parts and supply the Manual, but not cheap. All rebuild Kit is available thru an HET Club Vendor.
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