36 T carburetor
Just got my rebuilt 212 engine in my 36 Terraplane running. Running good except running a bit rich. A little black smoke from the exhaust ansd loads up a bit when ideling. The original Carter W-1 carb was professionally rebuilt. I can turn the mixture screw in to full lean and nothing changes. Any ideas what to do next?
Have you had a conversation about your issues with whoever professionally rebuilt your carburetor?0
I sent it to an outfit that advertises in Hemmings . They do antique and classic cars. I sent it when I first pulled the engine so I got it back and set it on the shelf over a year ago. I wouldn't think that would cause a problem though. I quess I'll give them a call though I don't know they could do much over the phone. I'll probably have to send it back to have it rechecked.0
I gave up on the Carter carburettor because nobody in England understands it. It certainly isn't easy for an amateur to set up properly.
I bought a Daytona replica Zenith which is much less fickle. It looks period too.0 -
Unfortunately typical of so many "experts" - they clean them and that's about as far as they go . As Ken says, float level, and anti-percolating valve settings are critical. I would lower the float level as the first operation, as modern fuel is lower specific gravity, and lighter viscosity than the original stuff in the thirties.0
I'm pulling it and taking it back to the shop that rebuilt it. The good news though is after a complete engine rebuild, new clutch , pressure plate and throw bearing, new brake system, all new wiring, and countless other refurbishings this is the only problem so far. It runs, shifts, and stops great! Life is good!0
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