Remote brake fluid reservoir kit
I remember reading from somewhere that there is a kit available to install a remote reservoir for brake fluid. The reservoir would be mounted to firewall and kit consists of new brake master cylinder cap, hose and the actual reservoir. I've done some searching in the net, but can't find this kit. Am I mixing this up with something else or does anybody know if somebody actually sells such a kit?
Summit racing has them not sure what your application is for what year0
Nope, you're not mixing that up with something else as I bought one of those remote brake reservoir kits for my Super Wasp at the 2015 Colorado Springs International Hudson Meet. Comes with all the equipment and plumbing to set up on a stepdown (and perhaps other Hudsons). Don't recall who sold it to me, but I'm sure someone will chime in here with the answer.0
Elliot Sanchez Lopez was/is source... HET roster for contact info0
Elliot Sanchez Lopez has a quality product. To improve it slightly, I purchased 1/8" aluminum AN fittings and a braided hose with AN fittings to match.0
The actual name is Erwin Sanchez-Flores. He can be contacted at hudstuff@bellsouth .net
It is indeed a quality product. If you have ever seen one, you’ll probably recognize how much time Erwin puts into each one and the pride he takes in making each one just right. And yes, I have one of these kits myself
Tom0 -
Thanks everyone for your answers. Email sent to Erwin.0
What does the kit run?0
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