Fuel pump overflow discharge
1950 hudson six, vacuum fuel pump. I have gas spilling out of what I believed to be the overflow. Looking for thoughts? Perhaps it's a damaged diaphragm membrane? I took fuel pump bowl off and it was 1/3 full of sediment. Cleaned and installed new gasket. Motor starts and runs but still leaks out side overflow.
Great advice. Thanks for the fast reply!0
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just so others know what I'm referring to...I posted pics.0
And you grind your own pepper... Only thing missing from the plate is some texas hot sauce yum yum ?0
Thanks for the detailed info and pictures. I will see if cowboy johns has the better quality rebuild but do other vendors sell the same quality kit?0
Its great to see a dining table that can not only accommodate food coffee and juice, but also car parts and a dial vernier caliper.0
That’s a gear head table, food and parts, lol. I’ve sat at that table once, Ken and Yolanda are good people. Also nice 50 with a Twin-H0
My wife caught me with a Carter WDO on the table about a month ago. She did everything but beat me with a broom!
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I’m still trying to desensitize her! Constant, steady pressure!0
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