hudson fluid type help
hello, i have started back on my 1951 hudson 4 door hornet project.
wondering what the recommended fluids are for the non-power steering gear box and for the rear end.
both have leaky seals i need to replace and will have to refill the fluids.
thank you
wondering what the recommended fluids are for the non-power steering gear box and for the rear end.
both have leaky seals i need to replace and will have to refill the fluids.
thank you
I think you're going to see a lot of different opinions here!
Here's mine: for the steering box on my 1937, I use the #600 grease used in Model A Fords (it's a heavy syrup, and doesn't seem to leak).
For my rearend and transmission I am using a type GL-4 because it is not harmful to any "yellow metals" (brass, bronze). I was using a 140W (type GL-4) but but have since switched to a lighter weight oil (85-90) because the heavier oil seemed to foul up the action of the OD solenoid, caused backfiring during kickdown.0 -
thank you Jon, where do i find #600 grease? is that a common hardware/farm store item?
i know newer cars us 75-90 gl-4 rear lube. and i assume that would work.
i do not have a service manual and wondered what was recommended for both. i have a few days until my seals arrive so i will see if there are any other suggestions as well.0 -
For steering boxes---
John Deere "corn head" grease has been used in these boxes for years.
Also, Studebaker International carries a steering box grease I and others use.
Both are a "fluid" type grease made for gear boxes.
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The 600 weight can be found at Model A suppliers like "Mac's"
but you might ask any Model A owners you know, if they can get their grease locally. Actually, I'm not "pushing" this -- some of our Hudson people will probably have ideas of where you can get similar heavy oil locally. Like at your John Deere dealer's!0 -
I was recommended by guys on this Forum to use Penrite semi fluid grease and I'm pleased with it. None of the leaks I had with normal steering box oil.0
thanks to all, i picked up some lucas 75-90 synthetic as recommended by WRP parts when i ordered a new gear box output shaft seal.
wish i knew some model A owners as i have been thinking i need to add 1 to my life to slow it down, sit back and enjoy a simpler outlook on life. im 44 and just havent gotten into that group yet. but i do intend to soon, life is short.0
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