36 Terraplane king pins
Has anyone replaced their pins in the front axle ? Mine on the passenger side is getting a little loose. Service manual isn't really clear on the procedure. I have to also locate the pins and bushings.
I see Dale Cooper carries the pins0
Probably a truck alignment place could handle it, they're used to kingpins, solid front axles, etc.0
Theoretically you can replace the kingpins with the front axle in the car, but in the real world after many years of use in rain and dust its odds on you will need to get the front axle under an hydraulic press to push the old pins out. First step of the hydraulic press process (after removing the steering arms) is to use an angle grinder with 1mm cut off blade to remove the domed part of the top bush and expose the top of the kingpin.
34/5/6 H&T king pins and bushes are all the same. Some ebay prices are outrageous.0 -
Next time I do a 36T I will remove axle and do all work on a bench. Yes remove steering arms very carefully, possibly using heat to break seal. Knock out the top bush and if the If pins are worn they will come out easy. There is a race with ball brgs in the top bush, and shims go at the bottom.0
I haven't gotten to it yet, just had 4 new tires mounted, I have done king pins once in my life as a teen on an old Ford truck. It was a miserable experience from what I recall heating the knuckle with a torch and pounding out the pin.0
Changed the original pins and bushings on my 36 T several years ago. Wasn't really that bad. No cutting or heating needed. If I remember right removing the steering arms was the hardest part. They are a tapered fit and can be pretty tight. Didn't remove the axle to change them. There is a set on ebay now for $49. Looks a little rough but might clean up okay. There are new reproduction sets out there but I don't know if I trust the quality. They are made in Honduras or some such place. I found some nos ones I belive from Dale Cooper.0
dantheman said:Changed the original pins and bushings on my 36 T several years ago. Wasn't really that bad. No cutting or heating needed. If I remember right removing the steering arms was the hardest part. They are a tapered fit and can be pretty tight. Didn't remove the axle to change them. There is a set on ebay now for $49. Looks a little rough but might clean up okay. There are new reproduction sets out there but I don't know if I trust the quality. They are made in Honduras or some such place. I found some nos ones I belive from Dale Cooper.0
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