Shop manual calls for the application of Hudson perfect seal gasket paste. What is the modern equivalent of Hudson perfect seal gasket paste? What is recommended if anything for oil pan gaskets and valve cover gaskets? Non hardening permatex on one side and grease on the other for easier removal and reinstall?
In a related matter the Hudson manual calls for white or red lead to be used in the well of the timing gear cover. Would "Great Stuff" be a good product for that application, or maybe silicone?0
I would be concerned about silicon or great stuff getting into the oil journals.
You might still find some sheet lead, it was also used by plumbers for shower pans. What happened to the original lead?
Your permatex and grease game plan sounds right.0 -
49S636T said:In a related matter the Hudson manual calls for white or red lead to be used in the well of the timing gear cover. Would "Great Stuff" be a good product for that application, or maybe silicone?
That stuff was thick and gooey but I don't think it's available any more (in the UK at least) because of its high lead content.0
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