The Way ONElist Works

Bernie writes:

<< Hi Paul...this is actually Bernie...Al Hutchins' wife. I'm the one that

registered him. Al is into the Hudsons, but does not have a clue how to turn

the computer on, let alone use it. Great Web site you have set up...I

checked out a few of the sites tonight...good job. I'm ok with the

computer...not great though. What did you mean by asking if anyone knows how

to "post to the list" ? >>

Thanks for signing Al up! I think most of us are a little wobbly with our

confuser skills, so Al will have plenty of company.

Just to clear up a little confusion, the Hudson Super Six List is my

work, but ONElist is a business. Our list is "hosted" by ONElist at no charge

to us, but they do sell the advertising space on our posts. This advertising

is inserted at the bottom of the posts in an unobtrusive manner and I have no

problem with this practice.

My participation with this page was limited to filling in the blanks --

pretty easy really. My sole interest here is to increase the level of communic

ation about our old Super Sixes. The folks that knew these cars when they

were new have largely passed on taking their knowledge and wisdom with them.

Even worse, our cars are increasingly alien to modern mechanics and shop

methods and those of us that wish to preserve them face a bigger challenge

than that faced by previous generations of restorers.

The strangeness of these modern times may be our biggest obstacle, but

they can also be a powerful ally in our restorative efforts. The computer and

the net allow us to pool information and increasingly scarce parts as never

before. This list is a step in that direction.

By "posting" I mean sending an email to this group. This is done by

addressing your mail to the <> address as you

have done. This distributes the post to each subscriber. You may "reply" to

the group, or privately as you wish. You'll soon get the hang of it, as it's

pretty simple.

Paul O'Neil,

NEW email list for Hudson Super Six Cars, 1916-1929!

1926 Hudson Anderson Bodied Coupe

1926 Hudson Parts Car "The Grapes Of Wrath"

1928 Hudson Roadster Project

1929 Hudson Town Sedan

1939 Cadillac Coupe (How'd that get in there?)

Fullerton, California USA

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