28 Convertible sedan
To Chris, "Killer", et al - have slides I took many years ago of Carl
Mendoza's '28 H conv. sd., will try to find them, and get them made
into prints if they're good enough to warrant it. When done, will
send a set to C & K so they can keep them in their file & possibly
tell us more about that particular car - I do remember it has Buffalo
wire wheels & I believe an engine turned dash.
In re "Al Capone's Hudson(s)": I've seen a number of news footage
movies of "Big Al" arriving for court house appearances in Chicago at
the time & he never arrived in a Hudson as much too mundane for a
rich gangster. As I recall they were either Lincolns or Cadillacs -
I believe one of them, bullet-proofed, still exists, perhaps at
Imperial Palace collection.
Mendoza's '28 H conv. sd., will try to find them, and get them made
into prints if they're good enough to warrant it. When done, will
send a set to C & K so they can keep them in their file & possibly
tell us more about that particular car - I do remember it has Buffalo
wire wheels & I believe an engine turned dash.
In re "Al Capone's Hudson(s)": I've seen a number of news footage
movies of "Big Al" arriving for court house appearances in Chicago at
the time & he never arrived in a Hudson as much too mundane for a
rich gangster. As I recall they were either Lincolns or Cadillacs -
I believe one of them, bullet-proofed, still exists, perhaps at
Imperial Palace collection.
This discussion has been closed.
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