Contact Sig Caswell

Several people have expressed an interest in getting hold of Sig (that's

S-I-G) Caswell. He lives in Temple City and can be reached at (626) 286-2402

or (818) 706-3566. Let him know that Paul O'Neil told you about the Hudson

stuff so he will know how you are. He is a long time good guy and Hudson

enthusiast and would like to see these parts moved into appreciative hands.

Paul O'Neil,

NEW email list for Hudson Super Six Cars, 1916-1929!

1926 Hudson Anderson Bodied Coupe

1926 Hudson Parts Car "The Grapes Of Wrath"

1928 Hudson Roadster Project

1929 Hudson Town Sedan

1939 Cadillac Coupe (How'd that get in there?)

Fullerton, California USA

AEROMARK - Need Rubber Stamps or Signs? See:
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