Restoration Supply
One of the most useful vendors I have found is a little company called
Restoration Supply. They have all of the small stuff, rivets, acorn nuts,
real red rubber radiator hose, running board mats & trim, fender welting,
connectors, light bulbs, cloth covered wire, oddball lubricants like steering
box lube, oil cups, neat little springs, red fibre washers, drive screws,
Motometers, gee, the list goes on and on.
One of the very special items that they carry is NEW white triangle
radiator medallions for mid twenties Hudsons. These are proper cloisonn
Restoration Supply. They have all of the small stuff, rivets, acorn nuts,
real red rubber radiator hose, running board mats & trim, fender welting,
connectors, light bulbs, cloth covered wire, oddball lubricants like steering
box lube, oil cups, neat little springs, red fibre washers, drive screws,
Motometers, gee, the list goes on and on.
One of the very special items that they carry is NEW white triangle
radiator medallions for mid twenties Hudsons. These are proper cloisonn
This discussion has been closed.
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