Service Manual
I called the source for the service manual, and it seems that some of
it will be the same as the copy I got from Jack, but there are some
difference's. I made my order and sent the check. When I recieve it
I will let you all know if it is what we are looking for. He said he
got his copy from Bill Harrah years back and he is not from Ohio so
we will keep our fingers crossed. He did say that there are glass
specs for 27-28 and I only have the 29 in my book. Some other
mentions make this worth investigating.
I believe Jack got his copy from someone in Canada. I tried to phone
him last night but he was out.
Chris Purdum
it will be the same as the copy I got from Jack, but there are some
difference's. I made my order and sent the check. When I recieve it
I will let you all know if it is what we are looking for. He said he
got his copy from Bill Harrah years back and he is not from Ohio so
we will keep our fingers crossed. He did say that there are glass
specs for 27-28 and I only have the 29 in my book. Some other
mentions make this worth investigating.
I believe Jack got his copy from someone in Canada. I tried to phone
him last night but he was out.
Chris Purdum
This discussion has been closed.
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