Super Six Motor Serial Runs, a Beginning At Last!

Alex poster this welcomed tidbit:

<< I have a 1931 Motors Master Flat Rate manual, covering 1923 to 1931,

that gives the following motor numbers:

1924 - 198902 up

1925 - 257374 up

1926 - 372274 up >>

Based on this much sought information, the spare Super Six mystery engine

(294976) for my Coupe now sitting in the shed is -- Ta Daaah -- a 1925! I

have long looked for serial number runs for these motors and have never seen

this info. Thanks, Alex! Wouldn't it be nice to put this info together with

whatever else can be garnered into a Super Six website that could be accessed

and printed out by anyone interested? Do we have any aspiring webmeisters out


Paul O'Neil,

NEW email list for Hudson Super Six Cars, 1916-1929!

1926 Hudson Anderson Bodied Coupe

1926 Hudson Parts Car "The Grapes Of Wrath"

1928 Hudson Roadster Project

1929 Hudson Town Sedan

1939 Cadillac Coupe (How'd that get in there?)

Fullerton, California USA

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