Car Watches/clocks
I also have a Waltham 8-day car watch with the Hudson Super-Six
logo on the face. I bought it complete with the mounting base for US
$100. I guess that's not too bad. It needed a new mainspring, which
was another$60. I had thought I would mount it on the dash of the
'27, but am not sure if it would be appropriate for that car.
Besides, it is so nice that I am thinking of making a base for it and
using it as a desk clock! I have never seen a mirror-mount clock for
a Hudson. Only Ford, Chev, etc. Guess I'd better look harder!
logo on the face. I bought it complete with the mounting base for US
$100. I guess that's not too bad. It needed a new mainspring, which
was another$60. I had thought I would mount it on the dash of the
'27, but am not sure if it would be appropriate for that car.
Besides, it is so nice that I am thinking of making a base for it and
using it as a desk clock! I have never seen a mirror-mount clock for
a Hudson. Only Ford, Chev, etc. Guess I'd better look harder!
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