original 17 racers, again
Talked with my crony last night who will be coming to visit May 6 &
will bring the photos of the restored orig. racer that is in the Bay
Area. I will endeavor to get these to Paul so he can scan them & put
them whereever one scans photos to, LOL. If have time & can remember
to do so, will endeavor to find old slides of this car when it was
all original 30 yrs. ago & in the Bothwell Collection, & have prints
made for Paul to scan too if he wants.
Crony says he was contacted about 5 yrs. ago by family who own
another of the orig. factory-built racer cars who have owned it for a
very long time - it is on Long Island. They offered to sell it to
him, but "not his cup of tea" so he declined - I will quiz him more
about that car.
will bring the photos of the restored orig. racer that is in the Bay
Area. I will endeavor to get these to Paul so he can scan them & put
them whereever one scans photos to, LOL. If have time & can remember
to do so, will endeavor to find old slides of this car when it was
all original 30 yrs. ago & in the Bothwell Collection, & have prints
made for Paul to scan too if he wants.
Crony says he was contacted about 5 yrs. ago by family who own
another of the orig. factory-built racer cars who have owned it for a
very long time - it is on Long Island. They offered to sell it to
him, but "not his cup of tea" so he declined - I will quiz him more
about that car.
This discussion has been closed.
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