28 H sd.
Thought I'd report a new HET member in San Diego has purchased a '28
H std. sd. from a car dealer of some sort out of S. Dak. Have yet to
see car or photos. He was told when he bought it the car was a '29
but I figured out, after about 1/2 hr., that it had to be a '28.
Came by the 2nd time today & I sold him a perfect used exh. manifold
as one on the car broke in 1/2 when he removed it, & an Owners Manual.
It is in running condition but needs some work.
It has wood wheels, bumpers (opt. in '28), & a trunk.
H std. sd. from a car dealer of some sort out of S. Dak. Have yet to
see car or photos. He was told when he bought it the car was a '29
but I figured out, after about 1/2 hr., that it had to be a '28.
Came by the 2nd time today & I sold him a perfect used exh. manifold
as one on the car broke in 1/2 when he removed it, & an Owners Manual.
It is in running condition but needs some work.
It has wood wheels, bumpers (opt. in '28), & a trunk.
This discussion has been closed.
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