OHV Oil Cup Removal
A quickie: How does one remove an oil cup from the mighty SuperSix
valve cover? It seems to have a hex head at the bottom but it does
not appear to have threads (I turned it a few times to no avail).
Short of taking the valve cover off for inspection will someone just
enlighten me about this "secret of the universe"? One of the spring-
loaded covers has become disconnected from the spring and I would
like to fix it with as little disassembly as possible.
valve cover? It seems to have a hex head at the bottom but it does
not appear to have threads (I turned it a few times to no avail).
Short of taking the valve cover off for inspection will someone just
enlighten me about this "secret of the universe"? One of the spring-
loaded covers has become disconnected from the spring and I would
like to fix it with as little disassembly as possible.
This discussion has been closed.
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