Re: [HSS] vacuum tank "pumping"
Attachments :
Here in Australia the rules also vary from state to state and "creative"
paperwork is often necessary to get over some of the hurdles! Fortunately the
people in Motor Registration are always far too young to have any idea of what
they're looking at and are only interested in processing the application - their
performance is probably measured on the number of vehicles they put through the
My '28 has a chassis number on a home-made plate that's pop-riveted to the rear
chassis cross-member. Not quite what came out of the factory, but it did the
"Pete Booz" <> on 01/05/2000 14:39:32
Please respond to
cc: (bcc: Peter Ransom/Australia/Indus/AU)
Subject: [HSS] vacuum tank "pumping"
paperwork is often necessary to get over some of the hurdles! Fortunately the
people in Motor Registration are always far too young to have any idea of what
they're looking at and are only interested in processing the application - their
performance is probably measured on the number of vehicles they put through the
My '28 has a chassis number on a home-made plate that's pop-riveted to the rear
chassis cross-member. Not quite what came out of the factory, but it did the
"Pete Booz" <> on 01/05/2000 14:39:32
Please respond to
cc: (bcc: Peter Ransom/Australia/Indus/AU)
Subject: [HSS] vacuum tank "pumping"
This discussion has been closed.
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