"Pumping" vis-a-vis Vacuum Tanks
Pete, I probably used the wrong word. My vacuum tank definitely
pulls gas from the tank into its upper chamber and, from there, it
dribbles into the other chamber and then gravity feeds the carb.
Nope, no new-fangled 'lectric fuel pump for me: If the vacuum tank
can't cut it, I guess I will just have to stand out in front and pour
gas in it from a gas can.
My carburetor, by the way, is marked Marvel Type "E". I do tend to
pay for what I buy: If anyone has a replacement for sale, let me
know. Al Saffrahn tried to patch it up for me and did manage to get
it running well enough to get it loaded on the trailer and off but
there is still something wrong in there. I suppose it could be trash
but that is yet to be seen.
Thanks for the advice and words of wisdom, folks.
pulls gas from the tank into its upper chamber and, from there, it
dribbles into the other chamber and then gravity feeds the carb.
Nope, no new-fangled 'lectric fuel pump for me: If the vacuum tank
can't cut it, I guess I will just have to stand out in front and pour
gas in it from a gas can.
My carburetor, by the way, is marked Marvel Type "E". I do tend to
pay for what I buy: If anyone has a replacement for sale, let me
know. Al Saffrahn tried to patch it up for me and did manage to get
it running well enough to get it loaded on the trailer and off but
there is still something wrong in there. I suppose it could be trash
but that is yet to be seen.
Thanks for the advice and words of wisdom, folks.
This discussion has been closed.
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