Rear Hub Puller
There has been a local debate about the lack of pullers in the area
for the rear hubs (breakdrums) for the 1928 and older Hudsons. My
neighbor came up with a very unusal puller. You pull the nut off the
end of the axel, screw the puller on, jack up the other side of the
car, then strike the end of the puller with a sludge hammer. The
impact drives the car sideways, but the weight of the car on the
wheel you are removing keeps the wheel from moving and the axel moves
with the car out of the hub. I tried it on my 28 and it actually
worked. He is going to have one made for me. If anyone else is
interested, let me know and I will contact him. Jeff
for the rear hubs (breakdrums) for the 1928 and older Hudsons. My
neighbor came up with a very unusal puller. You pull the nut off the
end of the axel, screw the puller on, jack up the other side of the
car, then strike the end of the puller with a sludge hammer. The
impact drives the car sideways, but the weight of the car on the
wheel you are removing keeps the wheel from moving and the axel moves
with the car out of the hub. I tried it on my 28 and it actually
worked. He is going to have one made for me. If anyone else is
interested, let me know and I will contact him. Jeff
This discussion has been closed.
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