Pictures of my questionable front seat
I have posted 4 pictures of the front seat in my '28 Hudson 4-Door
machine in Files under Parts Pictures. Chris and any others,please
look at them and tell me if the front seat is correct. I know I do
have to move it back because there is only about 7" between the front
of the door opening and the front seat. Not enough room to get my
feet in and work the pedals in good order. Thanks for your advice
and wisdom in advance.
Tom Goodman
machine in Files under Parts Pictures. Chris and any others,please
look at them and tell me if the front seat is correct. I know I do
have to move it back because there is only about 7" between the front
of the door opening and the front seat. Not enough room to get my
feet in and work the pedals in good order. Thanks for your advice
and wisdom in advance.
Tom Goodman
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