Re: [HSS] Those Racers Again.......Wheel Sizes
I saw a photo in an old magazine of an original Hudson racer, rear wheel
size 24" and front 25".
The Bothwell car is quite different. The original car had 8 Hartford type
shocks and a different mounting setup. This is quite an interesting photo,
may be able to send you a copy.
BH: 0355252773
AH: 0356284327
I saw a photo in an old magazine of an original Hudson racer, rear wheel
size 24" and front 25".
The Bothwell car is quite different. The original car had 8 Hartford type
shocks and a different mounting setup. This is quite an interesting photo,
may be able to send you a copy.
BH: 0355252773
AH: 0356284327
This discussion has been closed.
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