Re getting parts from Clifford, Jack does not have any early parts,
but will buy them in and forward them on, so you are better off
getting them direct from source. My experience is that he first of
all bills your Credit Card, then sets about finding the stuff you
need, and has sent me the wrong parts at times, which is difficult
here in N.Z., as arimail rates make it uneconomic to return. So
be aware of what can happen. His specialty is speed equipment, and
he can be very scathing of the earlier splasher motors.
Geoff Clark.
but will buy them in and forward them on, so you are better off
getting them direct from source. My experience is that he first of
all bills your Credit Card, then sets about finding the stuff you
need, and has sent me the wrong parts at times, which is difficult
here in N.Z., as arimail rates make it uneconomic to return. So
be aware of what can happen. His specialty is speed equipment, and
he can be very scathing of the earlier splasher motors.
Geoff Clark.
This discussion has been closed.
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