Re: [HSS] Problem du Jour
Tom, I will be interested to find out about these fittings too as my 28 has
them also. As to your later comment about the village idiot, after decades of
working on 30's through 60's cars, I am constantly amazed at how difficult it
is to figure out the 20's technology. After 2 weeks of tinkering, I finally
got the brake system reassembled on the 28. With the system from the car, a
complete system from a 27 (the same) and a spare 28 front axle with the
complete brake assembly, I was barely able to come up with enough good parts
for the one car. Always remember, your not alone. Jeff
them also. As to your later comment about the village idiot, after decades of
working on 30's through 60's cars, I am constantly amazed at how difficult it
is to figure out the 20's technology. After 2 weeks of tinkering, I finally
got the brake system reassembled on the 28. With the system from the car, a
complete system from a 27 (the same) and a spare 28 front axle with the
complete brake assembly, I was barely able to come up with enough good parts
for the one car. Always remember, your not alone. Jeff
This discussion has been closed.
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