Hudson Manual
Thanks Tom, Paul and Geoff for your help
Tom, I'd love it if you could photograph your manual. That would be brilliant.
Actually I have jacked up the front axle and the steering is much lighter.
But I have only 30psi in the front tyres, not 35psi as I said before, and
they are 6.50 x 19 so this may make the steering heavier than it should be,
and it is VERY HEAVY at parking speeds.
I have used grease in the steering joints, as had the previous owner, so
should I change to oil? The steering box was more or less empty, so I put
grease in it (in ignorance), which did lighten the steering. I assume I
should I use oil in there too.
I'll check the geometry as well.
Tom, I'd love it if you could photograph your manual. That would be brilliant.
Actually I have jacked up the front axle and the steering is much lighter.
But I have only 30psi in the front tyres, not 35psi as I said before, and
they are 6.50 x 19 so this may make the steering heavier than it should be,
and it is VERY HEAVY at parking speeds.
I have used grease in the steering joints, as had the previous owner, so
should I change to oil? The steering box was more or less empty, so I put
grease in it (in ignorance), which did lighten the steering. I assume I
should I use oil in there too.
I'll check the geometry as well.
This discussion has been closed.
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