Problem de jour
The pictures you posted look just like the fittings I spent 2 hours
greasing on Sat on a friend's buick (23 vintage). the two alemite
grease ends I have seen, icluding the one I own have a slot on them
that runs up a slight ramp and a thumb lever so that the grase gun
"rotates" and locks onto the pins to hold the fitting togher while it
is being greased... I prefer them to zerk, a much more positive fit
it is easy to identify a bad fitting.
Remember alemite still makes grease guns... but with the zerk head
em...... Hope this drivel helps
Bill (ps I wish I could remember who I lent my zerk to
alemite fitting to)
The pictures you posted look just like the fittings I spent 2 hours
greasing on Sat on a friend's buick (23 vintage). the two alemite
grease ends I have seen, icluding the one I own have a slot on them
that runs up a slight ramp and a thumb lever so that the grase gun
"rotates" and locks onto the pins to hold the fitting togher while it
is being greased... I prefer them to zerk, a much more positive fit
it is easy to identify a bad fitting.
Remember alemite still makes grease guns... but with the zerk head
em...... Hope this drivel helps
Bill (ps I wish I could remember who I lent my zerk to
alemite fitting to)
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