Chassis numbers
Thanks for your info.
I had a look at the car and there is no sign of chassis numbers in either
place you mentioned!
The copies of the registration document that I have do not have a chassis
number, only an engine number (519076). Is it possible that no number was
ever issued?
Does anyone have a picture of a bulkhead plate - I might get one made up.....
Can anyone give me an example of a chassis number?
Thanks for your info.
I had a look at the car and there is no sign of chassis numbers in either
place you mentioned!
The copies of the registration document that I have do not have a chassis
number, only an engine number (519076). Is it possible that no number was
ever issued?
Does anyone have a picture of a bulkhead plate - I might get one made up.....
Can anyone give me an example of a chassis number?
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