Alemite "Pin Fitting" Grease Gun Quest
I actually did something constructive: Called my local Alemite
distributor and ordered P/N VB-942 end for my grease gun. It is a
replacement for the normal 'zerk' end on the business end of a grease
gun and fits the old "pin fittings". Cost is yet to be determined
but a 1992 catalog listed it at around $27. Two week delivery time
from the Alemite factory. An obvious use would be either to put it
on the end of the grease gun pipe or hose OR to screw a zerk fitting
into it (1/8 NPT threads, female) and make the elusive "adapter".
The VB-942 has "wings" (no comments please) that make turning it to
secure it to the stationary pin fitting a bit easier but it comes
either with or without (I ordered one of each and forgot the part
number of the "non-wing" model but I THINK it was 504511). We shall
Greezy Hudsonly,
distributor and ordered P/N VB-942 end for my grease gun. It is a
replacement for the normal 'zerk' end on the business end of a grease
gun and fits the old "pin fittings". Cost is yet to be determined
but a 1992 catalog listed it at around $27. Two week delivery time
from the Alemite factory. An obvious use would be either to put it
on the end of the grease gun pipe or hose OR to screw a zerk fitting
into it (1/8 NPT threads, female) and make the elusive "adapter".
The VB-942 has "wings" (no comments please) that make turning it to
secure it to the stationary pin fitting a bit easier but it comes
either with or without (I ordered one of each and forgot the part
number of the "non-wing" model but I THINK it was 504511). We shall
Greezy Hudsonly,
This discussion has been closed.
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