Valve rocker lubrication.
I agree that the lubrication is adequate PROVIDING the oilers are filled
every time the car is taken out. I only mentioned running extra
lubrication in the case of having to machine new pins and fitting bronze
bushes. A pipe along with a very small hole at each rocker with
suffice, but on pre-29 models there is a problem with draining excess
oil back to the crankcase, and extra holes would have to be drilled into
the push rod guides to allow this. '29 blocks had holes through the
block front and back to allow oil mist (theoretically) to go up into the
rocker chamber and help lubricate things. John, I'll have a couple of
oil pump springs as well thanks, if you are getting them made.
Geoff Clark.
every time the car is taken out. I only mentioned running extra
lubrication in the case of having to machine new pins and fitting bronze
bushes. A pipe along with a very small hole at each rocker with
suffice, but on pre-29 models there is a problem with draining excess
oil back to the crankcase, and extra holes would have to be drilled into
the push rod guides to allow this. '29 blocks had holes through the
block front and back to allow oil mist (theoretically) to go up into the
rocker chamber and help lubricate things. John, I'll have a couple of
oil pump springs as well thanks, if you are getting them made.
Geoff Clark.
This discussion has been closed.
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