Re: [HSS] Re: Identify this car?
If you can wait, there's some of us trying to get some really beautiful
mascot repros made (I think; are we Chris Purdum?). There is one currently
available, but much of the detail is missing. We're also working on the
crankhole cover as these are impossible to find.
Door handles are a bit easier, though I currently don't have a source for
the ones you need. My buddy Jeff White in Utah has 2 1928 landau sedans.
-----Original Message-----
From: John Lawton <>
To: <>
Date: Tuesday, June 06, 2000 2:32 PM
Subject: [HSS] Re: Identify this car?
If you can wait, there's some of us trying to get some really beautiful
mascot repros made (I think; are we Chris Purdum?). There is one currently
available, but much of the detail is missing. We're also working on the
crankhole cover as these are impossible to find.
Door handles are a bit easier, though I currently don't have a source for
the ones you need. My buddy Jeff White in Utah has 2 1928 landau sedans.
-----Original Message-----
From: John Lawton <>
To: <>
Date: Tuesday, June 06, 2000 2:32 PM
Subject: [HSS] Re: Identify this car?
>Robert, well spotted about the mascot!
>My wife tells me that the mascot was always known to be wrong. Anyone know
>where I can get a proper one? I could also do with some exterior door
>handles to replace the roughly casted ones on the car.
>Old school buds here:
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