get a scanner for the lit.?
Guys - John Lawton suggested to me it would be easier on the lit. &
more lasting (as lit. would be a "site") if I could scan it & "post"
it. Having no knowledge of how one goes about doing this, after
buying a scanner, will look into it as I can see the advantages of
I was told I should buy a "zip drive" (whatever that is, LOL) as well
as the scanner too - if any of you have any advice on make, model,
etc. I'd appreciate it. Is there a book I could buy on how you set
up a site to post the info to etc.?
I recently bought a Dell Pentium III with W. 98, etc. so have a PC
big enough to do it (I guess?) & just got a brochure from them that
inc. several scanners they were offering (Hewlett-Packard I believe).
more lasting (as lit. would be a "site") if I could scan it & "post"
it. Having no knowledge of how one goes about doing this, after
buying a scanner, will look into it as I can see the advantages of
I was told I should buy a "zip drive" (whatever that is, LOL) as well
as the scanner too - if any of you have any advice on make, model,
etc. I'd appreciate it. Is there a book I could buy on how you set
up a site to post the info to etc.?
I recently bought a Dell Pentium III with W. 98, etc. so have a PC
big enough to do it (I guess?) & just got a brochure from them that
inc. several scanners they were offering (Hewlett-Packard I believe).
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