scanner purchase
Thanks guys for all the e-mails & advice.
Went to CompUSA, read 1st chap. in book on scanners, then found a
salesperson, told him what I wanted to do, etc. & have come upon
these: 1. an H-P 3300 series scanner 2. Omni Pro Scanner Suite
program 3. H-P 8210 CD Writer.
If any of you have any thoughts on those products or that
combination, pro or con, let me know. Thanks, Pete
Went to CompUSA, read 1st chap. in book on scanners, then found a
salesperson, told him what I wanted to do, etc. & have come upon
these: 1. an H-P 3300 series scanner 2. Omni Pro Scanner Suite
program 3. H-P 8210 CD Writer.
If any of you have any thoughts on those products or that
combination, pro or con, let me know. Thanks, Pete
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