White Triangle mags
Gentlemen - in addition to previously mentioned Stewart & Marvel
books/booklets I also have most of the '27, '28, & '29 original White
Triangles the factory sent to dealers. If successful with scanner
progam (still haven't bought one) will scan that to some place where
you can read them (have some exc. photos in them too).
Also have '29 H Owners Manuals, sales lit., Parts List, & Body Parts
List which illus. almost every body & all it's parts.
books/booklets I also have most of the '27, '28, & '29 original White
Triangles the factory sent to dealers. If successful with scanner
progam (still haven't bought one) will scan that to some place where
you can read them (have some exc. photos in them too).
Also have '29 H Owners Manuals, sales lit., Parts List, & Body Parts
List which illus. almost every body & all it's parts.
This discussion has been closed.
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