Overdrive Question
State of Affairs:
'28 Hudson with Stewart Warner overdrive, apparently added after
manufacture. Car is presently running on 12Volts. No idea if O.D.
solenoid has been converted.
Controls are:
(a) T-handle (marked Overdrive) Plunger with "in" and "out" position
(assumed that "out" means O.D. disabled) and (b) A switch that is
supposed to control engagement of O.D.
The problem: Freewheeling seems to be active all the time (meaning
the car freewheels going downhill...not exactly what I want it to do)
and I cannot exactly determine if O.D. is engaged. All this is
regardless of the position of the Plunger (a) and the Switch (b). I
feel that the acceleration in 3rd gear is a bit sluggish and suspect
that O.D. is active regardless of the position of the controls.
Diagnosis or Diagnoses or even suggestions for the next step???
Thanks a bunch. By the way, I just received a June 1928 edition of
"Hudson Super-Six Parts List" with cutaway views and parts names and
Hudson Part Numbers (for whatever it is worth)and I will be happy to
share this if anyone wants/needs it. By the way, since my Overdrive
was aftermarket, it is not shown.
Tom Goodman
'28 Hudson with Stewart Warner overdrive, apparently added after
manufacture. Car is presently running on 12Volts. No idea if O.D.
solenoid has been converted.
Controls are:
(a) T-handle (marked Overdrive) Plunger with "in" and "out" position
(assumed that "out" means O.D. disabled) and (b) A switch that is
supposed to control engagement of O.D.
The problem: Freewheeling seems to be active all the time (meaning
the car freewheels going downhill...not exactly what I want it to do)
and I cannot exactly determine if O.D. is engaged. All this is
regardless of the position of the Plunger (a) and the Switch (b). I
feel that the acceleration in 3rd gear is a bit sluggish and suspect
that O.D. is active regardless of the position of the controls.
Diagnosis or Diagnoses or even suggestions for the next step???
Thanks a bunch. By the way, I just received a June 1928 edition of
"Hudson Super-Six Parts List" with cutaway views and parts names and
Hudson Part Numbers (for whatever it is worth)and I will be happy to
share this if anyone wants/needs it. By the way, since my Overdrive
was aftermarket, it is not shown.
Tom Goodman
This discussion has been closed.
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