Delco starter-gen. & dist. "stuff"
Steve Rawlins contacted me in re date for his '25 which has the Delco
system. I have a large "Delco Service Manual" which covers H as
follows: "1919 Model M": Motor-Generator No. 140 & Distributor #5124"
"1919-20 Model O" " " " " " #5203
"1921 Model 0 & 1922 Super Six " " 188 " #5223
I sent him some of the setup & tech. data contained on the p. having
to do with the last one in hopes it'll help with his '25 (???). If
it is relevant to any of you, drop him an e-mail.
Books data also cover '19 thru '22 Essex 4.
system. I have a large "Delco Service Manual" which covers H as
follows: "1919 Model M": Motor-Generator No. 140 & Distributor #5124"
"1919-20 Model O" " " " " " #5203
"1921 Model 0 & 1922 Super Six " " 188 " #5223
I sent him some of the setup & tech. data contained on the p. having
to do with the last one in hopes it'll help with his '25 (???). If
it is relevant to any of you, drop him an e-mail.
Books data also cover '19 thru '22 Essex 4.
This discussion has been closed.
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