The Oil Pump Springs Have Arrived!

Good news boys and girls, the newly manufactured Hudson Super Six oil

pump springs for those of us Stateside have arrived courtesy of John Meadows.

Canadians would probably be better off getting their springs shipped from me

in SoCal rather than John in AU. The cost is $4.50 plus .30 postage from AU

coming to $4.80. Postage from SoCal to you will add $1 or so, I'll let you

know the exact amount when you confirm your order.

So far I have on the Stateside list:

Ashton 4

Gene 1

Jeff Gould 2

Tom 2

Rick 2

Dave 1

Please email me <> off line with your shipping address

and any corrections or additions. I ordered more than we need should anyone

else like to have some.

Paul O'Neil,

NEW email list for Hudson Super Six Cars, 1916-1929!

1926 Hudson Anderson Bodied Coupe

1926 Hudson Parts Car "The Grapes Of Wrath"

1928 Hudson Roadster Project

1929 Hudson Town Sedan

1939 Cadillac Coupe (How'd that get in there?)

Fullerton, California USA

AEROMARK - Need Rubber Stamps or Signs? See:
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